Expanding Beyond Insurance: Dai-ichi Life’s Strategic Vision for a Holistic Well-Being Ecosystem
What was the strategic rationale behind Dai-ichi Life's acquisition of Benefit One, and how does it align with your vision of expanding into healthcare and employee benefit platforms? / 第一生命がベネフィット・ワンを買収した戦略的な背景は何ですか? また、この買収が貴社のヘルスケアおよび従業員福利厚生プラットフォームへの展開というビジョンにどのように合致していますか?
Dai-ichi Life aims to go beyond traditional life insurance and become a company that supports customers in all aspects of their daily lives, essentially transforming into an “insurance-related services provider.” To do this, we needed a platform that could offer not just insurance but a range of services, which is why we decided to acquire Benefit One. With Benefit One focusing on “creating service distribution,” we believe both companies share the same goal of providing more services to more customers.
Can you elaborate on how Dai-ichi plans to integrate traditional insurance offerings with the services provided by Benefit One to create a holistic well-being ecosystem? / 第一生命は、ベネフィット・ワンが提供する既存サービスと従来の保険商品をどのように統合して、包括的なウェルビーイングエコシステムを作り上げる予定ですか?
Benefit One has access to employee data through its Benefit Station platform, which includes details on service usage, and offers various BPO services for businesses. Using this data, along with the information we already have within the Dai-ichi Life Group, we plan to create an ecosystem that delivers the right information and services to employees at the right time to support their well-being. We believe that providing insurance is one of the right information and services for employees within the ecosystem.
With Benefit One’s expertise in employee benefits, what role does AI play in improving the employee experience and optimizing the value these services bring to corporate clients? / ベネフィット・ワンの従業員福利厚生における専門知識を活かしながら、AIは従業員体験の向上や、法人顧客への提供価値の最適化にどのような役割を果たしていますか(いきますか)?
We have high expectations for AI. We plan to utilize data and implement AI-driven recommendations for services based on factors like employee demographics and past usage. AI will become even more essential in closely supporting customers. User satisfaction with the Benefit One's employee benefits service (Benefit Station) is directly linked to employee satisfaction with their company’s benefits program. By leveraging AI and other tools to improve services, we believe it will enhance the value we deliver to corporate clients.
What does the roadmap look like for Dai-ichi in terms of scaling AI-driven healthcare and employee benefit platforms? Are there any specific milestones or initiatives you can share? / 第一生命がAI主導でヘルスケアおよび従業員福利厚生プラットフォームを拡大していくためのロードマップはどのようなものですか? もし具体的なマイルストーンや取り組みについて共有できることがあればご教示ください。
Along with increasing membership of Benefit Station through synergies with Dai-ichi Life, our first focus will be improving data management and enhancing the UI/UX. These are foundational steps to deliver more services to more people. Once we’ve made progress on these areas, we plan to expand our offerings with AI-driven service recommendations and other features to further enhance the platform.