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ITC Asia

Chin Ching

Chin Ching

Director of the Financial Development and Innovation Department, Bank Negara Malaysia
Ms Lau Chin Ching is the Director of the Financial Development and Innovation Department in Bank Negara Malaysia. She oversees the formulation of strategic plans and policies to advance the development of the Malaysian conventional banking, insurance and fintech sectors. These include policies and initiatives to shape the industry landscape and promote digitalization and related infrastructure towards supporting the growth of a progressive, competitive, inclusive, resilient and responsive financial sector. The department also drives initiatives to promote greater insurance access and penetration. Prior to joining the department, Chin Ching was a Director in the Insurance Development Department up to March 2022 and a Deputy Director in the Financial Stability Department up to March 2018. She began her career with Bank Negara Malaysia in 2003 after graduating from the University of Cambridge (United Kingdom) with a degree in Economics.