Daiki Tanaka
Sales Navi, Inc.
Daiki Tanaka, joined Keyence Corporation as a new graduate and was engaged in corporate sales. After achieving consecutive goals during his tenure, he was scouted by The Prudential Life Insurance Company and joined the company. Since then, he has won the President's Cup for 11 consecutive terms.In 2017, he became the youngest executive life planner in the company at the time. Recognized as an MDRT TOT member in 2017 - 2021. Founded Sales Navi, Inc. in 2021.
田中 大貴
株式会社Sales Navi 代表取締役
キーエンスに新卒入社し、法人営業に従事。在籍期間中連続目標達成したのち、プルデンシャル生命にスカウトされ入社。以来11期連続社長杯入賞。2017年当時全国最年少で部長に就任。2017 - 2021年度MDRT TOT会員(上位0.01%の営業成果に相当)に認定。2021年に株式会社Sales Naviを設立。