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ITC Asia

Dr. Karl Ricanek Jr.

Dr. Karl Ricanek Jr.

CEO, Founder & Chief AI Scientist, Lapetus Solutions

Karl Ricanek Jr, Ph.D., is the CEO and co-founder of Lapetus Solutions, a health intelligence company that architects and deploys advanced AI/ML for the insurance and financial services industries. Lapetus Solutions has been featured in Forbes, Digital Insurance, and The Financial Times and is the technology behind the Selfie (Insurance) Quote.

Karl is a world-renowned speaker on AI, computer vision, biometrics, and face recognition. He is credited for developing the field of facial analytics and holds multiple patents in the area. Karl has over 80 referred articles and book chapters in AI/ML, computer vision, and biometrics. He has presented over 100 times on the topics.

Karl holds a Ph.D. in Engineering, as a NASA fellow he worked on computer vision guidance for the Mars Rover program, developed computer vision targeting solutions for overhead FLIR images, and developed AI-based face recognition technology. His master's in engineering combined Software Engineering with Machine Learning for the control of power systems. In his Bachelor of Engineering, he focused on machine learning, fuzzy systems, and evolutionary and genetic algorithms.