Haisung Lee
Dr. Haisung Lee is currently serving an Associate Vice President, Head of Healthcare Business, Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance.
He has been involved the overall healthcare business of a digital transformation in healthcare and insurance including a data-driven and customer centric healthcare platform,
a healthcare big data management, and a healthcare services development with a various healthcare stakeholders such as a pharma, medtech, and medical center.
Before taking up his current position as Head of Healthcare Business in Samsung, He served a VP of Digital & Bio health, KT corporation to be able to extend a digital transformation.
also, he contributed to build the innovative healthcare ecosystem in Johnson & Johnson Innovation Asia Pacific Center holing a New Venture Leader (Associate Director).
He has may years of experience in devising the global strategy and business development of various healthcare business with a Pharma, Big tech. and Investment companies.
His major career employment includes Samsung, LG, SK, J&J, and Intel in USA and holds 23 patents, 10 SCI papers.
He hold's a Doctor's degree in interdiscplinary Biomedical Engineering in Medical School and Mater's degree in Biophycial Chemistry.