Ichiki Yamasato
Little Family SS Insurance Co., Ltd
山里 一輝
複数のスタートアップや事業会社にて開発業務に従事。Yahoo! Japanに入社し、大規模広告システムの開発を担当。退社後、複数社のスタートアップの取締役CTOを歴任。アーキテクトとしてリトルファミリー少額短期保険の創業時のシステムを構築し、2023年4月に同社のCTOに就任。日本の保険業界で始めてAmazon社との提携を導く。
Ichiki Yamasato
Worked in development at several startups and business companies. Joined Yahoo! Japan, where he was in charge of developing large-scale advertising systems. After leaving the company, he served as a director and CTO of several startups. As an architect, he built the founding system of LF and became CTO of the company in April 2023. He led the company's partnership with Amazon, the first in the Japanese insurance industry.