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ITC Asia

Katsuya Yoshioka

Katsuya Yoshioka

Financial DX Executive Director, NTT Communications

Katsuya Yoshioka began his illustrious career in 1987 at Nippon Credit Bank (now Aozora Bank), refining his expertise in international capital markets and co-authoring the ground-breaking "B2B Internet Business Frontline", published in Japanese and Chinese. Since joining NTT Communications in 2006, he has been a driving force behind pioneering business development in the financial sector through technological innovation. As a member of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Council, he took part in Japan's Electronically Recorded Monetary Claims Act and oversaw the development of the nation's first electronically recorded monetary claims system. He also championed the adoption of voice recognition and AI technologies. As the leader of "Divers & Sherpas Financial CX/EX," a DX-driven project, he propelled the exponential growth of voice recognition and AI communication solutions. Currently serving as the Financial DX Executive Director at NTT Communications, he leads a transformative project to introduce a "Virtual Concierge," seamlessly integrating avatars and LLM dialogue to enhance customer touchpoints for the Japanese financial industry.
