Kazuya Hata
justInCase, Inc.
After working at American actuarial consulting firm Milliman, Kazy has worked at global investment banks and reinsurance company providing product management, risk management and ALM consulting etc. to insurers. Founded justInCase, Inc. in 2016.
Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries Japan, Associate of Society of Actuaries. Wine Expert.
Programing Skills: VBA / Swift / Python / Ruby
Academic background: Bachelor of Science, Kyoto University (2004)
畑 加寿也
代表取締役 justInCase, Inc.
プログラミング:VBA / Swift / Python / Ruby、日本アクチュアリー会正会員、米国アクチュアリー会準会員、ワインエキスパート、ダイブマスター、京都大学理学部卒