Kenta Ito
After the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, I visited the area as a volunteer and witnessed the scene of a town washed away by the tsunami. He was aware of the problem of "insurance claim leakage" due to the "physical and mental burden," "loss of policies," "family members not knowing about the insurance they have purchased because they cannot claim themselves," and "complicated policy contents that cannot be linked to claim cases," and came up with the idea of a centralized management system for insurance coverage. After working for an insurance agency, an insurance company, and a system company, he founded IB Inc. in 2018. With the mission of "eliminating insurance claim leakage," he operates the customer-based platform "Hokenbo" and promotes industry cooperation in non-competitive areas.
井藤 健太
株式会社IB CEO
2011年東日本大震災後、現地にボランティアに訪れ、津波で町が流された光景を目の当たりにした。 「心身の負担」「証券の紛失」「加入者自ら請求できない状況で家族が加入保険を知らない」「契約内容が複雑で請求事案と紐づかない」といった状況から「保険の請求もれ」に問題意識を持ち、加入保険の一元管理システムを構想した。 その後、保険代理店・保険会社・システム会社を経て、2018年株式会社IBの創業に至る。 「保険の請求もれをなくす」をMissionに、顧客基点のプラットフォーム「保険簿」を運営し、非競争領域の業界協力を進めている。