Masahiro Inoue
Zene inc.
Formerly at Yahoo Japan Corporation as the Genome R&D Director in the CISO office, I worked on a genetic testing service. As the planning and development leader of HealthData Lab, I provided digital healthcare services. Conducted over 20 genomic research collaborations, including for pharmaceutical companies. Also involved in establishing YG Health Insurance.
井上 昌洋
株式会社Zene 代表取締役
ヤフー株式会社にて遺伝子検査サービスに従事。HealthData Labの企画・開発リーダーとしてデジタルヘルスケアサービスの提供を行う。製薬会社向けなど20以上のゲノム共同研究を実施。 YG健保の設立などにも従事