Rick Kobayashi
Co-Founder & CEO,
Citadel AI Inc.
Rick holds a degree in electronic engineering from The University of Tokyo. Later, he joined Mitsubishi Corporation and served the President of Loyalty Marketing, Inc., which is famous for the coalition program called Ponta, SVP of Mitsubishi Corporation (Americas), and CEO of Indiana Packers Corporation in U.S. He has outstanding management skills and extensive industry knowledge ranging from IT to medical, retail and food industries.
小林 裕宜
株式会社Citadel AI Co-Founder & CEO
東京大学電子工学科卒業後、三菱商事株式会社に入社。株式会社ロイヤリティマーケティング社長、北米三菱商事会社SVP、米国インディアナパッカーズコーポレーションCEOなどを経て、2020年株式会社Citadel AIを共同創業し、代表取締役社長に就任。卓越した経営手腕と、ITから医療、小売、製造に至る幅広い業界知見を持つ。