Stefan Knoll
CEO & Founder,
Deutsche Familienversicherung / German Family insurance
Dr. iur. Stefan M. Knoll (* 26 December 1957 in Augsburg) is a German entrepreneur, officer in the German Armed Forces (colonel of the Reserve), publicist and artist. He is Chairman of the Board of DFV Deutsche Familienversicherung AG. After graduating from high school in 1978 in Frankfurt a. M. and military service, he began studying law at the University of Augsburg, which he completed in 1986 with the second state examination. During this time, he was a research assistant to Prof. Dr. Herbert Buchner at the Chair of Labour, Commercial and Civil Law. His work there also served as a basis for his doctorate, which he completed in 1989 with the degree of Dr. iur. He started his career at Allianz Versicherungs AG, branch office for North Rhine-Westphalia, in 1988. After various assignments, preferably in sales, most recently as branch director and head of sales, he left Allianz in 1994 to found his first own company. Together with his business partner, Philipp J. N. Vogel, he founded DIATEL DIREKT Assekuranz-Marketing GmbH and acted as its managing director and shareholder until 1998. This resulted in DIATEL DIREKT Kommunikations AG, of which Knoll became Chairman of the Board. In 2000, within the merger of a pan-European M&A, the company merged with the German divisions of the Dutch, listed SNT NV, creating SNT Deutschland AG. Under Knoll's leadership as its CEO, the company developed into the leading communications service provider with 16 locations, around 3,500 employees and a service turnover of almost &euro200 million. Joint ventures with DKV, Versicherungskammer Bayern, AOK Sachsen and the German Insurance Association (Gesamtverband der Versicherungswirtschaft) underline the insurance expertise the company has built up. After selling the last shares in SNT Deutschland AG in 2005, he and Philipp J.N. Vogel founded DFV Deutsche Familienversicherung AG in 2006, of which they were initially the sole shareholders and members of the Board of Management. After Philipp Vogel's death in 2015, he became Chairman of the Board of Management. Today, Deutsche Familienversicherung is the only European (2021), listed (2018) InsurTech. In the insurance industry, Dr Stefan Knoll is regarded as a thought leader and pioneer, especially in terms of digitalisation and product development. Knoll is a colonel of the Reserve with previous assignments as battalion commander, chief of staff and head of division in the Federal Ministry of Defence. He has published articles in professional journals, in particular on the books "Prussia - an example of leadership and responsibility", "Substitute reservist Ernst Lemmer - a short life" and "Thinking and leading in the Digital Age". In his free time, he is artistically active. He creates paintings and sculptures with different materials and on different themes.