Takashi Okazaki 岡﨑 仰
Head of U.S. R&D,
Nippon Life X Silicon Valley
日本生命保険相互会社のイノベーションセンター「Nippon Life X Silicon Valley」の立ち上げメンバーであり、米国R&D部門の責任者を務めている。米国赴任前は個人保険事業の企画部門にて、マーケティング戦略の企画、異業種企業との提携、ビッグデータ分析基盤やクラウドコンピューティングの導入など、社内初の新規案件を数多く担当。
Takashi Okazaki is the Head of U.S. R&D, at Nippon Life's Innovation Center, Nippon Life X Silicon Valley. He was also one of Nippon Life's first expats when they began their operations in Silicon Valley. Before being assigned to the U.S., he was in their Marketing Planning Department, where he was devoted to formulating marketing strategies, planning and executing business alliance strategies, and developing sales support systems utilizing the latest technology etc.