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ITC Asia

Tomohiro Miura

Tomohiro Miura

Director of Insurance Business Division, Supervisory Bureau, Financial Services Agency

Mr. Tomohiro Miura joined Japan's Financial Services Agency (JFSA) in 1999 and has been responsible for supervising Japanese insurance companies, setting prudential rules and developing the insurance industry in a sound manner, as the director of insurance business division since July 2022. Immediately before the above, Mr. Miura was responsible for promotion of financial digitalization including FinTech, decentralized finance and for utilization of individual number system in the financial sector, as the Head of FinTech Innovation Office.

Mr. Miura experienced working for the Prime Minister's Office as the as the counselor for financial services, and took initiative for planning policies to make Japan's financial market “International Financial Center,” from the perspective of the whole government of Japan. Mr. Miura also experienced working for the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (U.S. banking regulator), the Bank of Japan and the Consulate-General of Japan in New York, etc., and was engaged in specialized research on overseas financial regulations, financial markets and investment trends of U.S. institutional investors.


金融庁 監督局保険課長

