Yu Ozaki
Deputy Director-General of the Supervisory Bureau,
Financial Services Agency
尾﨑 有
金融庁 審議官
Yu Ozaki is a Deputy Director-General of the JFSA's Supervisory Bureau, responsible for the supervision of major banks and insurance companies. He has long experience in the supervision of financial institutions, especially systemically important banks, and the development of financial regulations.
Previously, Ozaki was responsible for the development of the recently enacted stablecoin regulations (June 1, 2023), the supervision of fund transfer operators and crypto asset exchanges, the JFSA's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the supervision of the Postal Bank and Postal Life Insurance.
1992年大蔵省入省。 金融庁監督局監督企画室長兼健全性基準室長、検査局企画審査課長、監督局郵政貯金・保険監督統括参事官、監督局総務課長、総合政策局参事官(モニタリング担当)、企画市場局参事官(信用担当)などを経て、2023年7月より現職。