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ITC Asia

Yusuke Sugiyama

Yusuke Sugiyama

Head of Singapore, Nippon Life X(EVP, Nippon Life Asia Pacific), Nippon Life Insurance Company

Since joining Nippon Life, Sugiyama has worked in the international business Dept. for 8 years.
During that time, he was stationed at local group companies in India and China, where he was engaged in business management, channel development, and insurance sales.

Currently, he is a member of Nippon Life's innovation Dept., "Nippon Life X", where he is in charge of research and PoC on new insurance business models that leverage the power of technology and digital technologies that are emerging in innovation-oriented regions overseas. (China and Singapore)

His current focus is on "web3" and "embedded finance".

杉山 裕亮

日本生命保険相互会社 Nippon Life X シンガポールヘッド(EVP, Nippon Life Asia Pacific)

日本生命に入社以降、国際業務に8年間従事し、その間、インド・中国の現地法人に駐在、経営管理・チャネル開発・保険営業等に従事。現在は、日本生命のイノベーション開発を担う部署「Nippon Life X」に所属し、海外のイノベーション先進地域のテクノロジー・デジタルの力を活用した新しい保険のビジネスモデルの調査やPoC等を担当。(直近まで中国、現在はシンガポールに駐在)
