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ITC Asia



GoSure.Ai is a platform that aims to revolutionize the commercial insurance industry by addressing the key barriers faced by Insurers and Intermediaries, i.e high cost of servicing, high cost of servicing and Customer experience. 

Today’s Insurance industry is facing challenges due to multiple stakeholders, disjointed systems, unstructured data, complex process flows, non-standard models, and manual touch points. This leads to high cost of servicing and distribution. This probably has been the most important factor which has hindered the growth and expansion of the industry globally, keeping the penetration to single digits even in most advanced markets. 

GoSure.Ai offers a low-code platform, powered by conversational AI and an intelligent parser engine, that automates the entire policy life cycle.  

Every step of the process including Data collection, Data ingestion, Data Intepretation, Data Extraction and Data reporting and Analytics have been automated which contribute hugely to reduce the burden on servicing while enhancing the Customer Experience dramatically. 

Currently most intermediaries target only large and well established Enterprises due to the high cost of Acquisition or Distribution. Through its versatile,highly configurable  Affinity programs, GoSure can provide a strong technology platform for Insurers and Intermediaries to expand the scope of their operations and scale.  

GoSure.Ai's revenue-sharing model is a key differentiator from other platforms in the market. It allows intermediaries to grow their business without the need for significant capital investment or long-term commitments. This means that intermediaries can scale their business as needed, without having to worry about the costs and risks associated with traditional growth strategies. 

Overall, GoSure.Ai offers a unique and innovative solution to the challenges facing the commercial insurance industry. Its low-code platform, powered by AI and machine learning, makes it easier and more cost-effective for intermediaries to service SMEs and affinity programs, while its revenue-sharing model provides a win-win proposition for all stakeholders. As the industry continues to evolve and embrace new technologies, GoSure.Ai is well positioned to be a key player in the market globally. 
